도서명The Unsaved Christians
저자/출판사Daniel Cho/쉐미니아쯔렛
제품 구성상세설명참조
목차 또는 책소개상세설명참조

I. 저자 소개
Profile of the Author, Daniel Cho
Career and Education | Pastor Daniel Cho is a Korean American who served as the head of a Korean mid-sized corporation in the US and then graduated from the Alliance Theological Seminary in New York. Alliance Theological Seminary was established 140 years ago as a missionary training center and has grown into a theological university and theological graduate school. As the school that produces the most missionaries in the United States, it is one of the most trusted seminaries regarding the gospel and spirituality.
Ordination of Pastor | The author, was ordained as a pastor by the Evangelical Church Alliance, the largest independent denomination in the United States, founded in 1887. Currently, the author is independent of any denomination and is ministering independently.
Ministry | When he planted and pastored a church in New Jersey, he taught the Bible every day, and Bible teaching was at the heart of his ministry. From 2015 to 2019, he has been preaching the gospel and teaching the Bible to Jews and visitors from all over the world in Israel. He is a pastor of Gimpo Philadelphia Church in Korea. He also plants home churches and helps those who want to be home churches.
YouTube and Document Ministry | Through YouTube sermons with more than 800,000 views, he spreads the spark of calm revival in Korea while establishing himself as one of the most influential preachers Koreans listen to. He is the author of 17 books in Korean. He continually writes books and translates them into English to publish in Korea and the US. His recently published books summarize what he has taught and preached so far and are widely used as tools for the gospel.

II. 목 차
The Unsaved Christians
Five Christian Failures Leading to Eternal Suffering
Table of Contents
I. Unrepented Christians
1. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near
2. No one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again
3. Only a few are saved
II. Money-loving Christians
4. Deny yourself and take up your cross
5. It is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven
6. Open your hands to the needy
7. Fast to loosen the bonds of wickedness
III. Unholy Christians
8. Be holy in all you do
9. The Word of God and prayer will sanctify you
IV. Christians who don’t keep the commandments
10. Keep the commandments to gain eternal life
11. Restore the Sabbath day
12. Fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in Hell
13. Christians who fail to do the will of the Father will perish
V. Christians who don’t preach the gospel
14. Woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel
15. You who bring good news to Jerusalem

III. 책소개
Book Description of The Unsaved Christians
This book categorized five different failures Christians make that affect their salvation. They are the unrepented, the money-loving, the unholy, the disobedient, and the ones who do not preach the gospel. This book earnestly and seriously covers why so many Christians end up going to Hell. And it leads them to Heaven.