

Revelation’s Secrets

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도서명Revelation’s Secrets
저자/출판사Daniel Cho/쉐미니아쯔렛
제품 구성상세설명참조
목차 또는 책소개상세설명참조

I. 저자 소개
Biography of Daniel Cho
Career and Education | Pastor Daniel Cho is a Korean American who served as the head of a Korean mid-sized corporation in the US, and then graduated from the Alliance Theological Seminary in New York. Alliance Theological Seminary was established 140 years ago as a missionary training center and has grown into a theological university and theological graduate school. As the school that produces the most missionaries in the United States, it is one of the most trusted seminaries in terms of the gospel and spirituality.
Ordination of Pastor | The author was ordained as a pastor by the Evangelical Church Alliance, the largest independent denomination in the United States, founded in 1887. Currently, the author is independent of any denomination and is ministering independently.
Ministry | When he planted and pastored a church in New Jersey, he taught the Bible every day, and Bible teaching was at the heart of his ministry. Since 2015, he has been preaching the gospel and teaching the Bible to Jews and visitors from all over the world in Israel.
YouTube and Document Ministry | Through YouTube sermons with more than 700,000 views, he is spreading the spark of calm revival in Korea, while establishing himself as one of the most influential preachers that Koreans listen to the most. His recently published books are a summary of what he has taught and preached so far, and are widely used as tools for the gospel, so much so that a mission organization was specifically created to distribute these books.
Recommendation of Books | More important than preaching is the preacher, and more important than the preacher is the life of the preacher. This preacher relies only on the Bible and the Holy Spirit. He focuses solely on the Word and prayer. He owns nothing. He shouts like John the Baptist but has the fragrance of Jesus Christ. Meet him through his book.

II. 목 차
Table of Contents


I. Look at the Forest of Revelation

1. Revelation that even children understand
2. You can learn by yourself
3. The unshakable first foundation
4. The solid second foundation
5. Find the hidden rapture
6. Unraveling the Bible with the Bible
7. The Tribulation Period is seven years and six months
8. The secret of the six months
9. You must know the Lord’s Feasts
10. Passover and Feast of Tabernacles
11. Complete analysis by period
12. Doing the same thing on the same day
13. The secret of the 28th day of the second month is great
14. The day the Millennial Kingdom begins
15. Prepare for the Time of Judgement
16. The plot of Revelation is found

II. See the trees in the forest

17. Look at the big trees first
18. Towering cedar tree
19. VeriChip is the mark of the beast
20. Calculate the number of the beast
21. The main culprit of delusion
22. The second big tree
23. Soul’s remedy, repentance
24. The third big tree
25. Three precious trees
26. Trees seen by the Holy Spirit

III. Go through the maze in the forest

27. 144,000 who were sealed
28. The antichrist is from the tribe of Dan
29. Come out of the maze of the 144,000
30. The woman in chapter 12 is Israel
31. Jews must be in the land of Israel to be saved
32. The maze of replacement theology
33. Do not interpret with constellations
34. The Book of Daniel is a prophetic book of the end time
35. The war between the king of the north and the king of the south
36. The U.S. and Russia foretold in the Bible
37. Secret of the antichrist
38. Profile of the antichrist
39. The god the antichrist relies on
40. Clearing the maze of the antichrist
41. Construction of the Third Temple after the rapture
42. The construction period of the temple is 70 weeks
43. Order of reconstruction of Jerusalem
44. The mission of the two witnesses
45. Two witnesses fulfilling the law and prophecy
46. The rider on the white horse is the antichrist
47. Resurrection of those who died in the Tribulation
48. The fall of the people of the Millennial Kingdom
49. The advent of the Millennial Kingdom

IV. Know the secret of the old tree

50. Babylon in chapter 17 is Roman Catholicism
51. The end of the great prostitute
52. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism
53. The pope is neither the antichrist nor the false prophet
54. Babylon in chapter 18 is the United States
55. Come out of the United States
56. Those who ruin the United States
57. The United States perishes in an instant
58. Ancient Babylon falls peacefully
59. The United States prophesied in the Old Testament
60. The place all the saints are beheaded

V. Walk in the peaceful forest

61. Summary of Revelation
1) Introduction
2) Development
3) Climax
4) Conclusion
62. The lesson of Revelation
63. Book of joy and hope

VI. For those left behind

64. Why we mourn
65. Be a martyr in the Tribulation
66. Avoid catastrophe and be saved
67. Prepare for the first six months of Tribulation
1) Catastrophe right after the rapture
2) Seventh seal
3) First trumpet
4) Second trumpet
5) Third trumpet
6) Fourth trumpet
7) Fifth trumpet
8) Sixth trumpet
68. Prepare for the Tribulation of the first three and a half years
1) Humbly receive the judgement of the two witnesses
2) Endure the persecution of the antichrist
3) When all Israel is saved
4) Seventh trumpet
69. Overcome the Tribulation of the latter three and a half years
1) Do not receive the mark of the beast
2) First bowl
3) Second bowl
4) Third bowl
5) Fourth bowl
6) Fifth bowl
7) Sixth bowl
8) Seventh bowl
70. Conclusion of preparing for tribulation

VII. Actual Figures in Revelation

71. Figures from Revelation that exist now
72. First beast antichrist
73. Second beast false prophet
74. Great prostitute
75. Two witnesses
76. 7 heads 10 horns

VIII. Conclusion

77. Let’s see Jesus coming on the clouds together

III. 책소개
Book Description of Revelation’s Secrets
The paradigm for interpretation of Revelation has changed in a totally new way. The great work of the Holy Spirit preparing the way for the Lord to come in the end times has finally started by correcting the wrong interpretations of the Book of Revelation.
This book provides a guide for the impending Rapture and Tribulation through an easy analysis of Revelation. If Revelation was previously the complex Revelation, theoretical Revelation, academic Revelation, vague Revelation, boring Revelation, then this book is the easy Revelation, practical Revelation, spiritual Revelation, clear Revelation, interesting Revelation. Above all, it is Biblical and realistic and fun to read.
This book was originally written in Korean and published in the Korea in 2018 and translated into English.

상품 상세 정보
상품명 Revelation’s Secrets
소비자가 20,000원
판매가 18,000원
배송방법 택배
배송비 3,000원 (50,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)

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