도서명WITH JESUS JOURNAL (영성일기 영문판)
제품 구성낱권
목차 또는 책소개상세정보참조

  기본상품명 WITH JESUS JOURNAL (영성일기 영문판)
  출판사 두란노
  저자/역자 유기성
  ISBN 978-89-531-3594-9
  출시일 2019-09-04
  크기/쪽수 150x210mm 184p

Do you have the desire

to walk intimately with Jesus Christ?


Focus on Jesus,

Everty moment of your day!


24시간 예수님을 바라보자는 예수동행일기의 영문판이다. 세계에 흩어진 영어권 현지인들과 재외 성도들을 위한 예수동행일기의 영문판이다. 예수를 알고 그분을 따르겠다는 열심을 갖고 있지만, 정작 일상생활에서는 그분과 친밀하게 살아가는 법을 모른다. 이것이 성도들이 현실 생활에서 낙담하거나 죄에 넘어지는 이유이다. WITH JESUS JORNAL는 “예수 그리스도와 함께 걷는 것”에 초점을 둔다. 눈에 보이거나 직접적 음성으로 들리지 않지만 실제로 우리와 함께 계시는 주님께 초점을 맞추도록 돕는다. 하루 24시간 내내 주님과 얼마나 동행하고 있는지를 기록하는 것이다. 매일매일 저널을 써나가면서 주님이 인도하시는 방향으로 나아가도록 돕는다. 그 과정을 통해 예수 그리스도와의 친밀한 관계를 경험하고 은혜를 체험하게 될 것이다.


Many Christians may know of Jesus and have the zeal to pursue Him, but do not know about walking intimately with Him in their daily lives. That is the reason why our lives do not change.

The focus of With Jesus journal is in the close walk with Jesus Christ. We do not see nor hear Him physically, but He is indeed with us. We want to focus on Him who is talking to us even at this moment.

With Jesus journal is a record of how much we are aware of Jesus Christ in us and how much we forget about Him from the moment we wake up to the moment we sleep at night. Even if there was abundant grace poured through prayer and the scripture, if we do not record it, it all slips through our fingers. However, if we do journal it every day, we can be aware of the grace received each day and make it our own. Step forward in the direction our Lord leads. You will experience the intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and be amazed at the bottomless depth of His grace.



UNIT 1 Walking Happily with Jesus

UNIT 2 Looking to Jesus 24/7

UNIT 3 Those Who Live in Jesus

UNIT 4 Cultivate Your Garden of Heart

UNIT 5 Fellowship in the Light

UNIT 6 With Jesus Journaling Changes Lives

UNIT 7 Full Armor of God

UNIT 8 Journaling with Daily Devotion

UNIT 9 Treasure in Jars of Clay

UNIT 10 Overcoming Barriers




저자 Pastor Kisung Yoo

Pastor Kisung Yoo has been serving as Senior Pastor of Good Shepherd Methodist Church in South Korea since 2003. He has been inviting people to have a joyful walk



with Jesus Christ through the gospel of the cross. One

of his main messages is about the confession of Apostle Paul, I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.His ministry is focused on looking to Jesus who lives in all believers 24/7 and walking with Him in daily lives. Also, it is about building the community of believers who can be accountable to one another by sharing With Jesus journals online. He started With Jesus Ministry in 2014 and has been serving as President.


With Jesus Movement

It is a united movement of churches and individuals who desire the intimate walk with Jesus Christ at every moment of their daily lives. The movement envisions the restoration of intimate relationship with Jesus Christ lives in each believer, the change of life to joyful walk with Him 24/7 and the network and the revival of churches and individuals walking with Him.


With Jesus Ministry

The ministry exists to serve the With Jesus Movement calling all churches and believers to enjoy the blessing of intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. The ministry hosts about four seminars a year around the world. If you have any inquiries regarding the ministry or its seminars, please contact at wjm@wjm.kr


With Jesus Journal

Please visit With Jesus Journal website to start writing the journal and to share with others.
