

THE KING’S FINANCES 2 (왕의재정2영문판)

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상품명 THE KING’S FINANCES 2 (왕의재정2영문판)
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도서명THE KING’S FINANCES 2 (왕의재정2영문판)
저자/출판사Kim MiJin/규장
제품 구성낱권
목차 또는 책소개상세정보참조

  기본상품명 THE KING’S FINANCES 2 (왕의재정2영문판)
  출판사 규장
  저자/역자 Kim MiJin
  ISBN 979-11-6504-189-2
  출시일 2021-03-16
  크기/쪽수 148x218mm 384p


베스트셀러《왕의 재정 2》의 영문판!



홍성건 감수의 글 중에서

Will You Serve God,

or Will You Serve Mammon?

A Life That Loves God and Not Money


Some are unhappy despite having a lot of money, and some are happy despite having no money. This is because money is not what determines ones happiness. Nevertheless, this equation, which equates money to happiness, burdens the hearts of many.


Mammons powerful influence plants a false understanding of money within peoples mind. Mammon makes people value money in and of itself, causing them to chase after money.


However, once we clearly understand what money is, we live a life not with love for it, but a love for God; we learn to love God in all His greatness and learn how to handle money.


It is my hope that the readers of this book begin a journey of reflection on who is happy, who is rich, who is unhappy, and who is poor. I hope that through this journey, readers will gain an understanding of the real function and value of money.


Hong SungGun, Excerpt from the Editor’s Notes


About the Author Kim MiJin


Kim MiJin is a fourth-generation Christian born into a family of faith. Though she achieved great success as an entrepreneur starting in her college years, she gave up on life under the burden of being billions of won in debt. That was when she came across lectures on biblical finances and paid off all her debt by living according to the Word as if her life depended on it.


What she learned as she repented is that “God is our only master, just as He is our sole Provider.”


Her books and lectures have brought countless unbelievers and disheartened people back to the Lord and facilitated God’s grace and miracles; people who were slaves to money finally cleared their debts and began sharing God’s blessings with their poor neighbors and started living life as disciples of Jesus. This book also contains the vivid testimonies of those who have become disciples through the testimonies and lectures of Kim MiJin as well as the training they received through the King’s Finances School after The King’s Finances I was published.


Kim MiJin is currently serving as President of NCMN (Nations-Changer Movement & Network) and the main lecturer at the King’s Finances School. She is the author of the books, The King’s Finances I, The King’s Finances Workbook, The King’s Finances I (English translation), and The King’s Voice (co-authored by Hong SungGun), published by Kyujang.



About the Editor Rev. Hong SungGun


Rev. Hong SungGun has dedicated his life to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations and served to awaken college campuses and the young generation. He founded NCMN in 2012 and is currently serving as its International President. He received his undergraduate degree from Sogang University, a graduate degree from the Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, and obtained his Ph.D. from William Carey International University. Rev. Hong SungGun’s published works include, The Book, Shema Bible School (OT/NT), Christian Civilization Reform Movement, The King’s Voice (co-authored by Kim MiJin), The Word: Cover to Cover in 100 Days (Kyujang), The Man God Seeks, and The Man Who Serves and Rules (YWAM).


Homepage www.ncmn.kr



Translated by Haena Lee


A third-generation Christian, Haena Lee received her bachelor’s degree from Grove City College, a Christian liberal arts college in Grove City, Pennsylvania. She attended the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.


​Editor’s Notes



PART I Experience God’s Supernatural Provision

Chapter 1 Supernatural Movement of Wealth

Feed My Sheep

Dedicating My All in the Wilderness

210 Million

The Movement of Wealth for a 30-Pyeong Apartment

The Movement of a Wealth of 15 Billion

The Movement of Wealth Through Relationships

He Opens the Doors to a New Business

OREGIN, A Gift from God

God Owns 100 Percent


Chapter 2 Do You Truly Want to Become Rich (A Holy Rich Person)?

Reborn a True Rich Ma

From Debtor to Holy Rich

Gods Mathematical Equation

Breakthroughs Come from Training

Becoming a Kitchen Aide

From Owner to Employee


Be in the Place of and Within the Methods of Gods Provision

The Courage to Stand on the Edge of a Cliff


Chapter 3 A Life of Faith

God Shows the Next Step to Those Who Obey

How a Luxury Watch Became a Luxury Car

What People Whom God Uses Have in Common

The Turning Point in My Ministry

Do Not Limit the Power of God

Carried in on the Back of Another, Walked out on Ones Own Feet

The God Who Brought Me Back to Life


A Brief Introduction to The Kings Finances Implementation Workbook



PART Ⅱ Restore a Life of the Altar and the Tent

Chapter 1 There Are Three Seasons to Gods Provision

The Season for Supernatural Provision

The Season in Which He Feeds Me the Work of OthersHands

The Season to Harvest and Eat What I Have Sown

A Budget Plan of Faith


Chapter 2 Abrahams Seed, Solomon the Worldly Rich, David the Godly Rich

Transplant Abrahams Spiritual DNA

Two Strands of DNA in Abrahams Life (A Life of the Altar and the Tent)

Two Strands of Abrahams Spiritual DNA (Faith and Faithfulness)

Why Did I Fail?

Single Determination

The Worldly Rich Solomons Attitude Toward Riches

The Holy Rich Davids Attitude Toward Riches

My Life as a Holy Rich Person Finally Begins


Chapter 3 The Six Rules of Life

The Correct Relationship with God, People, and Riches

Two Rules on Our Relationship with God

Two Rules on Our Relationship with People

Two Rules on Our Relationship with Riches

Becoming a Multiplier of the Kings Finances


Chapter 4 Is My Arm Too Short?

Remove the Foreign Rabble Within Yourselves

Now Is Not the Time to Ask for Meat

You Will Eat Meat when He Has Enlarged Your Territory

The Mighty Power of the Execution Workbook

Things Just Seem to Work Out for You


Chapter 5 The Heavenly Bank = Good Soil

The Poor


3.3 Percent – The Blessing ofthe Other Tithes

The Two Blessings of Tithes



PART Ⅲ Look After the Poor

Chapter 1 The Miracle of the Five Loaves and Two Fishes Continues to This Day

Give Them Something to Eat

The Lord Does Not Take What You Do Not Have

Must I Close Shop on Sundays?

Kings Finances Training for the Whole Family

About This Time Tomorrow, I Will Turn Around and See You

Taking Ownership of God’s Promise in Faith

Treating My Leprous Spirit by Restoring the Love I First Had

The Characteristics of the Wilderness


Chapter 2 Solicit a Visit from God

A Cry of Desperation

The Way God Works: He Sends the Hornets

Train! Train! And Train Again!

Characteristics of God-Given Riches

Keywords for Moving the Riches of Heaven – Uprightness

Keywords for Moving the Riches of Heaven – Diligence

God Rebukes My Dishonesty


Chapter 3 Those Under Mammons Captivity

Judas Iscariot


Gehazi: The Servant of Elisha

Ananias and Sapphira

Give Me Back My Donations

The Worldly Rich

The Life of the Worldly Rich Who Have Been Captured by Mammon



PART IV Awaken the Next Generation of Faith

Chapter 1 The Secret to a Life of Contentment

Be Content

Stop Practicing Usury

Be Faithful with Others’ Wealth

The Equity of God’s Kingdom

Out of Debt into the Light

Having Certainty with Faith

Awaken the Goodness in Koreas Heart

Let’s Walk Together – MY 5K

Fruit of the 5K Share Love Movement


Chapter 2 The Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdom of the World

There is No Middle Ground for the Believer

Pass on the Inheritance of Holy Riches to Your Children

Awaken the Next and Not a Different Generation

The Obedience of Sacrificing Isaac

The Heroes of the Hero Camp

The Light of the Word Looses Bound Children

I Have Been Transformed by the Kings Finances School for Kids

Children Who Come as Unbelievers and Return as Devotees

Heroes Come to Camp Prepared

The Name That Was Not Erased for Three Days




Final Words

About NCMN Ministries 

상품 상세 정보
상품명 THE KING’S FINANCES 2 (왕의재정2영문판)
소비자가 15,000원
판매가 13,500원
배송방법 택배
배송비 3,000원 (50,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)

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